Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Let me criticize you ...

I'm good at it (or so say the judges).

OK, it's not American Idol. But I enter speech contests, and in the case this year, speech evaluation contests. And - BRAGGING ALERT! BRAGGING ALERT! I have met with some success.

In 2005, I managed to win the Club, Area and Division International Speech contests which covered sort of northeast Florida. Unfortunately I was off volunteering in Rwanda and had to let the runner-up take my place at the "District" contest which covered Florida plus Bahamas. But got a nice haul of 5 trophies on the way (I was also in the impromptu "Table Topics" contests).

This year, I represented my Toronto club and won the Area and Division contests and in 2 weeks compete for the Ontario 'District' championship in the Speech Evaluation contest.

Those of you who know me may be thinking: well no suprise there, that cranky clod can criticize anyone!

Anyway, there is a tiny bit more to it than that and I do try to be nice. The speakers we evaluate in the contests are very good speakers so even though evaluations are 75-90% positive feedback, it can be a challenge to find much to suggest for improvement.

If you have never attended one of these contests before ... you most likely won't attend this one :-) but here's where I'll be competing April 15th:

What do you say, "break a leg" isn't really appropriate ... "Split a lip?"

This year's trophies:


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