Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy New Year (you pig!)


I did a getaway weekend in Beijing in what is probably the BEST weekend of the year to visit one of the world's biggest cities. I met up with friends from Mongolia also visiting China and we hiked for 3.5 hours on the Great Wall neat Simatei and saw about 16 people all day. Beijing traffic, known for 5 hour traffic jams flowed smooth all weekend as so many people headed to the countryside to celebrate as families.

Being 1 in a ... billion. Just to make sure my Great Wall experience was unique - I did one pushup in each of the 32 towers on our walk. Yes, I know there is something wrong with me.

I managed to visit the Forbidden City, Tia'nenmen Square and watch the fireworks all over Beijing 2 nights. I heard the fireworks in Hong Kong are wilder and featured the first ever in the world Chinese character produced by fireworks, but Beijing is pretty special. EVERY person sets off fireworks. We had about $200 worth at our part. It sounded like a war zone... Watch some fireworks here!

And the highlight of the trip was 2 days with the Beijing Hash House Harriers, we had a great run and party at the Hash 5:19 bar, food and beer all night for about $10. Then the usual suspects met up again the next night and we ate sashimi and sushi and beer at all you can eat/drink Japanese place for another $10. Great Hashers and people in Beijing and China!

From "A Word a Day": If you were born in 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, or 1911, congratulations! This is your year. In Chinese astrology a pig signifies intelligence, honesty, strength, and fortitude.

It's so unfair that in many cultures pigs symbolize all things uncultured.
In English we have idioms such as to pig out (to overeat), to be pigheaded (stubborn), to be piggish (greedy or slovenly), to hog (take more than one's share) -- all reflections of our bias. In truth, pigs are the most intelligent animals after primates. See more HERE

pignus (PIG-nuhs) noun, plural pignora

  1. A pledge.
  2. Something held as security for a debt.

[From Latin pignus (pledge).]


Glad to see that you enjoyed Beijing, I was there in November 06 for a week, great city. Saw the Palace, walked the wall, but did not get to Hash. It's a great place for a holiday, but see it now before it is gone.

Came back via Dubai and spent 2 days with Molotov, inperational as usual.

Take care, and good luck on the CN Tower.

On On

(the original) Sloppy Seconds
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