Monday, January 22, 2007

What I didn't eat / Football

On my first weekend day here I toured the Mongolian natural history museum, which features great dinosaur skeletons, giant hip bones and some old bison tusks more than 8 feet long. They also have bunches of fossilized dinosaur egg clusters. They are big enough to make a pretty mean omelet.

It also honors the first Mongolian to climb Everest, be a cosmonaut and explore Antacrtica - making Mongolia the 37th country to have someone go there - bet you didn;t know that ;-)

I also roamed the downtown area around "SukhBaatar" square where the main government buildings are, along with communist statues and leftover Soviet style boxy buildings.

There are tons of Korean restaurants here providing relief from Mongolia food, which is pretty much mutton: fried, grilled, and in soup. And fatty and kind of miserable

I had to "watch the NFL playoffs" on the Internet reading the play by play before work and in between meetings ... meaning I missed the big comeback by the Colts which finished about 11 am Monday morning local time.

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