Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Introducing Mrs. Kleinosky

No, I did not get married.

When I booked 2 persons for the Copenhagen to Oslo overnight cruise, I apparently clicked on the 'Mrs.' salutation for myself and Mr. for Andy so they put us into separate cabins. Each of the low price cabins we got (cheaper with our 25 % eurail discount) has 4 people in them. However, no one else in either of poru cabins, so we have 8 beds between us.

Copenhagen is a fairly expensive town and doesn't really have that much to offer, at least pre-summer. The buskers were few but people watching was was better Tuesday with more sunshine. We found a great vegetarian mediterranean buffet for $35 with a bottle of wine and 2 meals which was about $20 less than a cafe lunch cost.

The hotels were virtually all full, we got the last room in Hotel Windsor in a great location, which we stumbled into after asking at a women's boutique for directions to another hotel. The hotel reception was 4 flights up; $90 for a double rom with a sink. Toilet and shower down the hall. And a big black labrador outside the door in the morning.

I managed to forget my fleece and bought one for $1.60 out of a cardboard box on the street in Copenhagen.

We arrive in Oslo tomorrow morning and plan to take 'the best train ride in Europe' to Bergen the next day - 7 hours, 300 tunnels and 200 bridges with a steep descent to the fjords...

When I find a net cafe which lets me USB connect I'll post photos of all this...

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